About the Host

Cheers to You!

So who is this Emily Wencelblat, and why is she telling me about food?
Well, it’s quite simple really… I am a foodie with a passion for life, flavor, and love.

I’ve done my best to combine those passions to fuel this endeavor and bring my adventures to the table.  With interests such as cooking, traveling and being exposed to new cuisine, CaptivEATing dawned upon me and I figured getting the good word out about chefs, mixologists and food creations would be a really great thing to do.

Get captivated by CaptivEATing.


6 thoughts on “About the Host

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  1. It was lovely to meet you and your family at the four seasons on new years eve. I hope you have a wonderful new year.
    All the best,
    Ged Martin.

    1. Ged! It was a pleasure! Everything was incredible that afternoon, we appreciated it so much. Definitely one of the most delicious meals of my trip.
      Thank you for stopping by CaptivEATing! Check back between today and tomorrow and you should see an update on here 🙂

      Have a wonderful week, and stay warm up there!!

  2. I will say this to all who visit here, if you ever get an opportunity to meet Emily, take the time to chat awhile. Her passion for food and life come through from the moment you meet her. She is wise beyond her years and absolutely enjoyable to spend time with. Her ambition and enthusiasm is contagious and coupled with her knowledge and charm, well it will be a conversation you will be glad you had.
    Great site Emily and I enjoyed talking with you.

    1. Marty! Thank you very much for reading some of the sight, and it was certainly great chatting with you as well!
      I truly appreciate the support. 🙂
      Have a wonderful day!

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